FCRC | 19-20 Recipients of the Radiometer Program

19-20 Recipients of the Radiometer Program


Ottawa, July 18, 2019

Radiometres Program: Train, Inform and Create


The Community Radio Fund of Canada is delighted to announce the recipients of this year’s Radiometres Program. This financial contribution will support 40 grassroots initiatives across the country, from local journalism to the creation of podcasts and the introduction of volunteer training programs.

In order to support the creation of Canadian content, the Community Radio Fund of Canada (CRFC) offers campus and community radios stations the opportunity to receive up to $50,000 to put in place the initiative of their choice. Again, this year, the projects submitted reflect the campus and community radio sector: they are inspiring, inclusive and innovative. Here are a few examples.

Helpful Financial Support in A Context of Uncertainty

Campus and community radios are tuned into the realities of their communities and offer initiatives tailored to their needs. When CJRU in Toronto noticed the loss of emerging artist-friendly spaces, it proposed a project to add exposure for local artists. According to Jacky Tuinstra Harrison, General Manager at CJRU, this initiative could not go ahead without CRFC: “In January of 2019 the Ontario provincial government announced changes to the tuition structure and the collection of ancillary fees which funds much of the station’s operations. Our station faces potential financial instability and certain restructuring. Without the financial support of the CRFC, this project would not happen.”

Programming that is Plugged in to the Community

According to CHUO, another Ontario campus radio: “The current situation facing Ontario stations – the Student Choice policy – is a strong indicator that we need to demonstrate our value to the community and we need to have more voices.” To address this challenge, the radio station has chosen to cover news with a hyper-local and alternative lens. As Erin Flynn, Station Manager, explains: “We have developed deep relationships with many of the under-represented voices in Ottawa-Gatineau, and it is painful to know that their stories are not being told in the mainstream media, their issues are not reaching a wider audience.”

Local Information Made Easily Accessible

Local news is at the heart of the project from radio station Radio Taïga in Yellowknife. Nicolas Servel, its Program Manager explains: “We want to respond to the needs of our Francophone audience. A survey conducted in January and February of 2019, revealed that news and current affairs are what our listeners are most interested in when they listen to radios or podcasts, and there is currently no radio station in Yellowknife broadcasting local or territorial news in French.”

To learn more on this year’s initiatives, go to the CRFC Website: https://crfc-fcrc.ca/en/list-of-funded-projects/

About the Community Radio Fund of Canada

The Community Radio Fund of Canada is the only organization with the express mandate to financially support campus and community radios across the country. The goals of its funding are to enhance broadcast of local news and community programming, to promote local and emerging artists, to encourage new broadcasting technologies and to ensure that community stations remain viable and able to serve their communities.



Amély Friolet-O’Neil

Executive Director

Community Radio Fund of Canada

email : amely@crfc-fcrc.ca

T : 613-321-3513